

class audrey.resources.object.NamedObject(request, **kwargs)

A subclass of Object that has an editable __name__ attribute.


Get the names and values of “non-schema” attributes.

Return type:dictionary with the same keys as returned by Object.get_nonschema_values() plus:
  • “__name__”: string or None
class audrey.resources.object.Object(request, **kwargs)

Base class for objects that can be stored in MongoDB and indexed in ElasticSearch.

Developers extending Audrey should create their own subclass(es) of Object that:

  • override class attribute _object_type; this string should uniquely identify the Object type within the context of an Audrey application
  • override either the _schema class attributes or the get_class_schema() class method. Either way, get_class_schema() should return a colander schema for the type.
  • override get_title() to return a suitable title string for an instance of the type.

If the type has some non-schema attributes that you store in Mongo, override get_nonschema_values() and set_nonschema_values(). When overriding, be sure to call the superclass methods since the base Object type uses these methods for metadata (_id, _created, etc).

If the type is to be part of a non-homogenous collection, override the class attribute _save_object_type_to_mongo to True. This is defaulted to False under the assumption that homogenous collections are the norm, in which case storing the same _object_type in every document is redundant.

If ElasticSearch indexing isn’t desired, override the class attribute _use_elastic to False.


Return the object referred to by reference.

Parameters:reference (audrey.resources.reference.Reference or None) – a reference
Return type:Object or None

Compute an Etag based on the object’s schema values.

Return type:string

Returns a list of all the File objects that this object refers to (via schema or non-schema attributes).

Return type:list of audrey.resources.file.File instances

Returns a list of all the Objects that this object refers to (via schema or non-schema attributes).

Return type:list of Object instances

Returns a list of all the Reference objects that this object refers to (via schema or non-schema attributes).

Return type:list of audrey.resources.reference.Reference objects

Returns a dictionary of both schema and nonschema values.

Return type:dictionary
classmethod get_class_schema(request=None)

Return a colander schema describing the user-editable attributes for this Object type.

Parameters:request (pyramid.request.Request) – the current request, possibly None
Return type:colander.SchemaNode

Audrey makes use of the following custom SchemaNode kwargs for colander.String nodes:

  • include_in_text: boolean, defaults to True; if True, the value will be included in Elastic’s full text index.
  • is_html: boolean, defaults to False; if True, the value will be stripped of html markup before being indexed in Elastic.

The default implementation of this method simply returns the class attribute _schema.

If a request is passed, you may opt to use it to get access to various interesting bits of data like the current user, a context object, etc. You could use that to set default values, vocabulary lists, etc. If you opt to customize the schema for each request, be sure to start by creating a deepcopy of _schema, or ditch the use of that class attribute altogether and construct the schema inside this method.


Return a DBRef for this object.

Parameters:include_database (boolean) – Should the database name be included in the DBRef?
Return type:bson.dbref.DBRef

Return a connection to the ElasticSearch server. May return None if the class attribute _use_elastic is False for this Object type or the Collection, or if no ElasticSearch connection is configured for the app.

Return type:pyes.es.ES or None

Return the ElasticSearch document type for this object.

Note that Audrey uses Collection names as the Elastic doctype. This is just a convenience method that returns the type from the collection.

Return type:string

Returns a dictionary representing this object suitable for indexing in ElasticSearch.

Return type:dictionary

Return the name of the ElasticSearch index for this object.

Note that all objects in an Audrey app will use the same Elastic index (the index name is analogous to a database name). This is just a convenience method that returns the name from the root.

Return type:string

Returns a string containing the “full text” for this object.

Text is found by walking over the schema values looking for colander.String nodes that don’t have the attribute include_in_text set to False. (If the attribute is missing, it defaults to True.)

If the schema node has the attribute is_html set to True, the text value will be stripped of HTML markup. (If the attribute is missing, it defaults to False.)

Return type:string

Return the GridFS file referred to by file.

Parameters:file (audrey.resources.file.File or None) – a file
Return type:gridfs.grid_file.GridOut or None

Return the MongoDB Collection that contains this object’s document.

Return type:pymongo.collection.Collection

Returns a dictionary representing this object suitable for saving in MongoDB.

Return type:dictionary

Get the names and values of “non-schema” attributes.

Return type:dictionary with the keys:
  • “_id”: ObjectId or None
  • “_created”: datetime.datetime (UTC) or None
  • “_modified”: datetime.datetime (UTC) or None
  • “_etag”: string or None

Return the colander schema for this Object type.

Return type:colander.SchemaNode

Return the names of the top-level schema nodes.

Return type:list of strings

Return a dictionary of this object’s schema names and values.

Return type:dictionary

Return a “title” for this object. This should ideally be a human-friendly string such as might be displayed as the text of a link to the object.

The default implementation boringly returns the object’s __name__ or “Untitled”.

Return type:string

Index (or reindex) this object in ElasticSearch.

Note that this is a no-op when use of ElasticSearch is disabled (for this Object, its collection or the app).


Update the object’s attribute values using values from doc.

Note that as appropriate, ObjectIds and DBRefs will be converted to audrey.resources.reference.Reference or audrey.resources.file.File instances.

Parameters:doc (dictionary) – a MongoDB document (such as returned by pymongo.collection.Collection.find_one())
save(validate_schema=True, index=True, set_modified=True, set_etag=True)

Save this object in MongoDB (and optionally ElasticSearch).

  • validate_schema (boolean) – Should the colander schema be validated first? If True, may raise colander.Invalid.
  • index (boolean) – Should the object be (re-)indexed in ElasticSearch?
  • set_modified (boolean) – Should the object’s last modified timestamp (_modified) be updated?
  • set_etag (boolean) – Should the object’s Etag be updated?

Set attribute values from kwargs for all top-level schema nodes. Schema nodes that are missing in kwargs will be set to None.


Set this instance’s non-schema values from kwargs.


Set attribute values for the top-level schema nodes present in kwargs.


Unindex this object in ElasticSearch.

Return type:integer

Returns the number of items affected (normally this will be 1, but it may be 0 if use of ElasticSearch is disabled or if the object wasn’t indexed to begin with).


Runs the instance’s schema attribute values thru a serialize-deserialize roundtrip. This will raise a colander.Invalid exception if the schema fails to validate. Otherwise it will have the effect of applying default and missing values.


class audrey.resources.collection.Collection(request)

A set of Objects. Corresponds to a MongoDB Collection (and an ElasticSearch “type”).

Developers extending Audrey should create their own subclass(es) of Collection that:

  • override class attribute _collection_name; this string is used for traversal to a Collection from Root, as the name of the MongoDB collection, and as the name of the ElasticSearch doctype.
  • override either the _object_classes class attribute or the get_object_classes() class method. Either way, get_object_classes() should return a sequence of the audrey.resources.object.Object classes that can be stored in this collection.

If Mongo indexes are desired for the collection, override the class method get_mongo_indexes().

If an ElasticSearch mapping is desired, override the class method get_elastic_mapping().

If ElasticSearch indexing isn’t desired, override the class attribute _use_elastic to False.

add_child(child, validate_schema=True)

Add a child object to this collection. Note that this will ultimately call the child’s audrey.resources.object.Object.save() method, persisting it in Mongo (and indexing in Elastic). If validate_schema is True, a colander.Invalid exception may be raised if schema validation fails.

  • child (audrey.resources.object.Object) – a child to be added to this collection
  • validate_schema (boolean) – Should we validate the schema before adding the child?

Delete all documents from Elastic for this Collection’s doctype.


Given a MongoDB document (presumably from this collection), construct and return an Object.

Parameters:doc (dictionary) – a MongoDB document (such as returned by pymongo.collection.Collection.find_one())
Return type:audrey.resources.object.Object

Remove a child object from this collection.

Parameters:child (audrey.resources.object.Object) – a child to be added to this collection

Remove a child object (identified by the given id) from this collection.

Parameters:name (bson.objectid.ObjectId) – ID of the child to remove
Return type:integer indicating number of children removed. Should be 1 normally, but may be 0 if no child was found with the given id.

Remove a child object (identified by the given name) from this collection.

Parameters:name (string) – name of the child to remove
Return type:integer indicating number of children removed. Should be 1 normally, but may be 0 if no child was found with the given name.
get_child(spec=None, sort=None, fields=None)

Return the first child matching the query parms.

  • spec (dictionary or None) – a MongoDB query spec (as used by pymongo.collection.Collection.find())
  • sort (a list of (key, direction) tuples or None) – a MongoDB sort parameter
  • fields (list of strings or dict with boolean values or None) – a list of field names to retrieve or None for all fields. May also be a dict to exclude fields (example: fields={'body':False}).
Return type:

audrey.resources.object.Object or None

get_child_by_id(id, fields=None)

Return the child object for the given id.

  • id (bson.objectid.ObjectId) – an ObjectId
  • fields (list of strings or dict with boolean values or None) – a list of field names to retrieve or None for all fields. May also be a dict to exclude fields (example: fields={'body':False}).
Return type:

audrey.resources.object.Object class or None

get_child_by_name(name, fields=None)

Return the child object for the given name.

  • name (string) – an object name
  • fields (list of strings or dict with boolean values or None) – a list of field names to retrieve or None for all fields. May also be a dict to exclude fields (example: fields={'body':False}).
Return type:

audrey.resources.object.Object class or None

get_child_names(spec=None, sort=None, skip=0, limit=0)

Return the child names matching the query parameters.

  • spec (dictionary or None) – a MongoDB query spec (as used by pymongo.collection.Collection.find())
  • sort (a list of (key, direction) tuples or None) – a MongoDB sort parameter
  • skip (integer) – number of documents to omit from start of result set
  • limit (integer) – maximum number of children to return
Return type:

a sequence of __name__ strings

get_child_names_and_total(spec=None, sort=None, skip=0, limit=0)

Query for children and return the total number of matching children and a list of the child names (or a batch of child names if the limit parameter is non-zero).

  • spec (dictionary or None) – a MongoDB query spec (as used by pymongo.collection.Collection.find())
  • sort (a list of (key, direction) tuples or None) – a MongoDB sort parameter
  • skip (integer) – number of documents to omit from start of result set
  • limit (integer) – maximum number of children to return
Return type:

dictionary with the keys:

  • “total” - an integer indicating the total number of children matching the query spec
  • “items” - a sequence of __name__ strings

get_children(spec=None, sort=None, skip=0, limit=0, fields=None)

Return the children matching the query parameters.

  • spec (dictionary or None) – a MongoDB query spec (as used by pymongo.collection.Collection.find())
  • sort (a list of (key, direction) tuples or None) – a MongoDB sort parameter
  • skip (integer) – number of documents to omit from start of result set
  • limit (integer) – maximum number of children to return
  • fields (list of strings or dict with boolean values or None) – a list of field names to retrieve or None for all fields. May also be a dict to exclude fields (example: fields={'body':False}).
Return type:

a sequence of audrey.resources.object.Object instances

get_children_and_total(spec=None, sort=None, skip=0, limit=0, fields=None)

Query for children and return the total number of matching children and a list of the children (or a batch of children if the limit parameter is non-zero).

  • spec (dictionary or None) – a MongoDB query spec (as used by pymongo.collection.Collection.find())
  • sort (a list of (key, direction) tuples or None) – a MongoDB sort parameter
  • skip (integer) – number of documents to omit from start of result set
  • limit (integer) – maximum number of children to return
  • fields (list of strings or dict with boolean values or None) – a list of field names to retrieve or None for all fields. May also be a dict to exclude fields (example: fields={'body':False}).
Return type:

dictionary with the keys:

  • “total” - an integer indicating the total number of children matching the query spec
  • “items” - a sequence of audrey.resources.object.Object instances

get_children_lazily(spec=None, sort=None, fields=None)

Return child objects matching the query parameters using a generator. Great when you want to iterate over a potentially large number of children and don’t want to load them all into memory at once.

  • spec (dictionary or None) – a MongoDB query spec (as used by pymongo.collection.Collection.find())
  • sort (a list of (key, direction) tuples or None) – a MongoDB sort parameter
  • fields (list of strings or dict with boolean values or None) – a list of field names to retrieve or None for all fields. May also be a dict to exclude fields (example: fields={'body':False}).
Return type:

a generator of audrey.resources.object.Object instances


Return a connection to the ElasticSearch server. May return None if the class attribute _use_elastic is False, or if no ElasticSearch connection is configured for the app.

Return type:pyes.es.ES or None

Return the ElasticSearch document type for this collection.

Note that Audrey uses the _collection_name as the doctype.

Return type:string

Return the name of the ElasticSearch index.

Note that all objects in an Audrey app will use the same Elastic index (the index name is analogous to a database name). This is just a convenience method that returns the name from the root.

Return type:string
classmethod get_elastic_mapping()

Return a dictionary representing ElasticSearch mapping properties for this collection. Refer to http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/mapping/

Return type:dictionary

Return the MongoDB Collection for this collection.

Return type:pymongo.collection.Collection
classmethod get_mongo_indexes()

Return a list of data about the desired MongoDB indexes for this collection. The first item of each tuple is the ensure_index key_or_list parm. The second item of each tuple is a dictionary that will be passed as kwargs.

Return type:sequence of two-item tuples, each with the two parameters to be passed to a call to pymongo.collection.Collection.ensure_index()

The default implementation returns an empty list, meaning that no indexes will be ensured.


Return the class that corresponds to the object_type string.

Parameters:object_type (string) – name of an object type
Return type:audrey.resources.object.Object class or None
classmethod get_object_classes()

Returns a sequence of the Object classes that this Collection manages.

Return type:sequence of audrey.resources.object.Object classes

Return the _object_types that this collection manages.

Return type:list of strings

Does this collection have a child with the given id?

Parameters:id (bson.objectid.ObjectId) – an ObjectId
Return type:boolean

Does this collection have a child with the given name?

Parameters:name (string) – an object name
Return type:boolean

Reindex all this collection’s objects in Elastic. Returns a count of the objects reindexed.

Parameters:clear (boolean) – Should we clear the index first?
Return type:integer

Check whether the collection will allow the given child to be added. If there is some objection, return a string describing the objection. Else return None to indicate the child is OK.

Parameters:child (audrey.resources.object.Object) – a child to be added to this collection
Return type:string or None
class audrey.resources.collection.NamingCollection(request)

A subclass of Collection that allows control over the __name__ attribute.

rename_child(name, newname, validate=True)

Rename a child of this collection. May raise a audrey.exceptions.Veto exception if validate is True and the newname is vetoed.

  • name (string) – name of the child to rename
  • newname (string) – new name for the child
  • validate (boolean) – Should we validate the new name first?
Return type:

integer indicating number of children renamed. Should be 1 normally, but may be 0 if newname == name.


Is the given name in an acceptable format? If so, return None. Otherwise return an error string explaining the problem.

Parameters:name (string) – name of a child object
Return type:string or None

If you want to restrict the format of names (legal characters, etc) override this method to check the name and return an error if needed.

Note that this method doesn’t have to test whether the name is empty or already in use.

veto_child_name(name, unique=True)

Check whether the collection will allow a child with the given name to be added. If there is some objection, return a string describing the objection. Else return None to indicate the child name is OK.

  • name (string) – name of a child object
  • unique (boolean) – Should we check that the name is unique (not already in use)?
Return type:

string or None


class audrey.resources.root.Root(request)

The root of the application (starting point for traversal) and container of Collections.

Developers extending Audrey should create their own subclass of Root that:

A functional basic full text search. Also a good example of using the other search methods.

All parms are optional. Calling the method without specifying any parms queries for anything and everything.

  • query (string) – a query string that may contain wildcards or boolean operators
  • collection_names (list of strings, or None) – restrict search to specific Collections
  • skip (integer) – number of results to omit from start of result set
  • limit (integer) – maximum number of results to return
  • sort (string or None) – a audrey.sortutil.SortSpec string; default sort is by relevance
  • highlight_fields (list of strings, or None) – a list of Elastic mapping fields in which to highlight search_string matches. For example, to highlight matches in Audrey’s default full “text” field: ['text']
  • object_fields – like fields param to audrey.resources.collection.Collection.get_children())
Return type:


Returns a dictionary like get_objects_and_highlights_for_raw_search_results() when highlight_fields. Otherwise returns a dictionary like get_objects_for_raw_search_results().


Delete all documents from Elastic for all Collections.

create_gridfs_file(file, filename, mimetype, parents=None)

Create a new GridFS file.

  • file (a file-like object (providing a read() method) or a string) – file content/data
  • filename (string) – a filename
  • mimetype (string) – a mime-type
  • parents (list of bson.dbref.DBRef instances, or None) – list of references to the Objects that “own” the file
Return type:


create_gridfs_file_from_fieldstorage(fieldstorage, parents=None)

Create a new GridFS file from the given fieldstorage.

  • fieldstorage (cgi.FieldStorage) – a FieldStorage (such as found in WebOb request.POST for each file upload)
  • parents (list of bson.dbref.DBRef instances, or None) – list of references to the Objects that “own” the file
Return type:



Return the Collection for the given name. The returned Collection will have the Root object as its traversal __parent__.

Parameters:name (string) – a collection name
Return type:audrey.resources.collection.Collection class or None
classmethod get_collection_classes()

Returns a sequence of the Collection classes in this app.

Return type:sequence of audrey.resources.collection.Collection classes

Get the names of the collections.

Return type:list of strings

Get all the collections.

Return type:list of audrey.resources.collection.Collection instances

Return a connection to the ElasticSearch server. May return None if no ElasticSearch connection is configured for the app.

Return type:pyes.es.ES or None

Return the name of the ElasticSearch index.

Note that all objects in an Audrey app will use the same Elastic index (the index name is analogous to a database name).

Return type:string

Return the MongoDB GridFS for the app.

Return type:gridfs.GridFS

Return the collection identified by coll_name.

Return type:pymongo.collection.Collection

Return a connection to the MongoDB server.

Return type:pymongo.connection.Connection

Return the MongoDB database for the app.

Return type:pymongo.database.Database

Return the name of the MongoDB database.

Return type:string
get_object_for_collection_and_id(collection_name, id, fields=None)

Return the Object identified by the given collection_name and id.

Return type:

audrey.resources.object.Object class or None

get_object_for_reference(reference, fields=None)

Return the Object identified by the given reference.

Return type:

audrey.resources.object.Object class or None

get_objects_and_highlights_for_query(query=None, doc_types=None, object_fields=None, **query_parms)

A convenience method that returns the result of calling get_objects_and_highlights_for_raw_search_results() on search_raw() with the given parameters.

get_objects_and_highlights_for_raw_search_results(results, object_fields=None)

Given a pyes result dictionary (such as returned by search_raw()) return a new dictionary with the keys:

  • “total”: total number of matching hits
  • “took”: search time in ms
  • “items”: a list of dictionaries, each with the keys “object” and highlight”
Parameters:object_fields – like fields param to audrey.resources.collection.Collection.get_children())
get_objects_for_query(query=None, doc_types=None, object_fields=None, **query_parms)

A convenience method that returns the result of calling get_objects_for_raw_search_results() on search_raw() with the given parameters.

get_objects_for_raw_search_results(results, object_fields=None)

Given a pyes result dictionary (such as returned by search_raw()) return a new dictionary with the keys:

Parameters:object_fields – like fields param to audrey.resources.collection.Collection.get_children())

Reindex all documents in Elastic for all Collections. Returns a count of the objects reindexed.

Parameters:clear (boolean) – Should we clear the index first?
Return type:integer
search_raw(query=None, doc_types=None, **query_parms)

A thin wrapper around pyes.ES.search_raw()

  • query – a pyes.query.Search or a pyes.query.Query or a custom dictionary of search parameters using the query DSL to be passed directly
  • doc_types (list of strings or None) – which doc types to search
  • query_parms – extra kwargs
Return type:


The returned dictionary is like that returned by pyes.ES.search_raw()

Keys are [‘hits’, ‘_shards’, ‘took’, ‘timed_out’].

result[‘took’] is the search time in ms

result[‘hits’] has the keys: [‘hits’, ‘total’, ‘max_score’]

result[‘hits’][‘total’] is total number of hits

result[‘hits’][‘hits’] is a list of hit dictionaries, each with the keys: [‘_score’, ‘_type’, ‘_id’, ‘_source’, ‘_index’, ‘highlight’] Although if the fields kwarg is a list of field names (instead of the default value None), instead of a ‘_source’ key, each hit will have a ‘_fields’ key whose value is a dictionary of the requested fields.

The “highlight” key will only be present if the query has highlight fields and there was a match in at least one of those fields. In that case, the value of “highlight” will be dictionary of strings. Each dictionary key is a field name and each string is an HTML fragment where the matched term is in an <em> tag.


Attempt to serve the GridFS file referred to by id.

Parameters:id (bson.objectid.ObjectId) – an ObjectId
Return type:pyramid.response.Response if a matching file was found in the GridFS, otherwise pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound


The following sections are incomplete and poorly formatted. Should improve as I continue to work on the docstrings in the source.


class audrey.resources.file.File(_id)

Wrapper around a GridFS file. Instances of Object use this File type for attributes that refer to files in the GridFS.


Returns an instance of gridfs.grid_file.GridOut for the GridFS file that this File object refers to by ID. If no match in GridFS is found, returns None.


Serve the GridFS file referred to by this object. Returns a pyramid.response.Response if a matching file was found in the GridFS. Otherwise returns pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound.


class audrey.resources.reference.IdReference(collection, id)

Just a little syntactic sugar around Reference with serialize_id_only = True.

class audrey.resources.reference.Reference(collection, id, serialize_id_only=False)

Represents a reference to a document in MongoDB. Similar to Mongo’s standard DBRef, but has an option to serialize only the ID, which can be more space/bandwidth efficient when the reference will always be to the same collection.


Return the Object this Reference refers to. context can be any resource and is simply used to find the root (which in turn is used to resolve the reference).


class audrey.types.File

colander type representing an audrey.resources.file.File Serializes to/from a dict with the key “FileId” whose value is a string representation of the file’s ID in the GridFS.

class audrey.types.Reference(collection=None)

colander type representing an audrey.resources.reference.Reference.

This type constructor accepts one argument:


The name of the audrey.resources.collection.Collection that this reference will always refer to. May be None if this reference may refer to multiple collections.

When collection is None, the Reference is serialized to and deserialized from a dict with the keys: “ObjectId” “collection”

When collection is not None, the dictionary will only have the “ObjectId” key.


audrey.views.str_to_bool(s, default=None)

Interpret the given string s as a boolean value. default should be one of None, True, or False.

audrey.views.str_to_list(s, default=None)

Interpret the given string s as a comma-delimited list of strings.


class audrey.colanderutil.SchemaConverter

Converts a colander schema to a JSON Schema (expressed as a data structure consisting of primitive Python types, suitable for serializing to JSON).


audrey.dateutil.convert_naive_datetime(dt, tz_from, tz_to)

Convert a naive datetime.datetime “dt” from one timezone to another. tz_from and tz_to may be either pytz.timezone instances, or timezone strings. Examples: Convert UTC datetime to US/Eastern: convert_datetime(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), pytz.utc, ‘US/Eastern’)

Convert US/Eastern datetime to UTC: convert_datetime(datetime.datetime.now(), ‘US/Eastern’, pytz.utc)

Convert US/Eastern datetime to US/Pacific: convert_datetime(datetime.datetime.now(), ‘US/Eastern’, ‘US/Pacific’)


Returns a timezone aware version of utcnow. (datetime.datetime.utcnow() returns a naive version.) If zero_seconds, the datetime will be rounded down to the minute.


class audrey.sortutil.SortSpec(sort_string=None)

It seems that everything that supports sorting has a different way of specifying the sort parameters. SortSpec tries to be a generic way to specify sort parms, and has methods to convert to sort specifications used by other systems in Audrey (MongoDB and Elastic).

SortSpec’s preferred way to represent sort parms is as a comma-delimited string. Each part of the string is a field name optionally prefixed with a plus or minus sign. Minus indicates descending order; plus (or the absence of a sign) indicates ascending.

Example: “foo,-bar” or “+foo,-bar” both indicate primary sort by “foo” ascending and secondary sort by “bar” descending.

Rationale: Strings are easy to sling around as HTTP query parameters (compared for example to Mongo’s sequence of two-tuples). This string format is as simple, concise and understandable (even for normal folks) as I could come up with (contrast with Elastic’s more verbose ”:desc” suffixes).


exception audrey.exceptions.Veto(msg)

May be raised when an attempt is made to do something that the app doesn’t allow, such as adding an object to a folder with a name that’s already in use. Higher level code (such as views) may want to catch these Veto exceptions and present them to end users in a friendly manner.