

I’m developing Audrey on Linux. I’m assuming that the instructions below would work just as well under OS X, but can’t say for sure. No idea about Windows.


  1. Python 2.7 and virtualenv

    If you don’t already have these, refer to the Pyramid docs for instructions.

  2. MongoDB

    If you don’t already have a MongoDB server, install the latest production release from

    If you just want to quickly try out Audrey, here’s a recipe for running a MongoDB server in the foreground under your non-root user account:

    tar xfz mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.0.6.tgz
    ln -s mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.0.6 mongodb
    cd mongodb
    mkdir -p data
    bin/mongod --dbpath=data --rest
  3. ElasticSearch (optional; full text and cross-collection search won’t work without it)

    If you don’t already have an ElasticSearch server, install the latest production release from

    If you just want to quickly try out Audrey, here’s a recipe for running an ElasticSearch server in the foreground under your non-root user account:

    tar xfz elasticsearch-0.20.2.tar.gz
    ln -s elasticsearch-0.20.2 elasticsearch
    cd elasticsearch
    bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-transport-thrift/1.4.0
    bin/elasticsearch -f

Setup Audrey

  1. Create and activate a Python virtual environment. For example:

    virtualenv myenv
    cd myenv
    source bin/activate
  2. Move or clone the Audrey directory from Github into myenv. Then:

    cd Audrey
    python install

    Wait patiently for all of the dependencies to download and install.

    [FIXME: Upload Audrey to PyPI so you can just pip install it.]

Creating a new project

Audrey includes a scaffold to bootstrap a new project. Run it from the root directory of your virtualenv like this example:

pcreate -s audrey MyProject
cd MyProject
python develop

As examples to get you started, myaudreyproject/ defines two object types (Person and Post) as well as two collections (People and Posts) and a Root class to tie it all together. You will of course want to replace these classes with your own app-specific types, but for now just refer to them as you walk through the Resource Modelling section and see how everything fits together.

If you aren’t running MongoDB and ElasticSearch on default ports on localhost (as described in the Prerequisites section above), edit development.ini and adjust the connection settings mongo_uri, mongo_name, elastic_uri and elastic_name.

Startup commands

You can now use the usual Pyramid commands, such as these examples.

Start the web server:

pserve development.ini --reload

Start an interactive shell:

pshell development.ini#main

Run tests:

nosetests --cover-package=myproject --cover-erase --with-coverage --cover-html